EGE technical magazine
The EGE technical magazine (which is the acronym of Croatian words standing for power industry, economy, ecology and ethics) has been appearing since 1993 and by the end of 2023 it appeared in a total of 151 issues. The magazine celebrated 30 years of publication and the release of its 150th issue in 2023. Topics addressed by the magazine mostly cover following areas of professional interest: • energy and power industry, heat supply and energy management (power plants, district heating plants, energy plants, nuclear power industry, electric and energy systems, energy efficiency, energy savings and project realization and implementation possibilities) • economy related to power industry and technology in general (power source prices, energy strategies etc.) • technology, systems, installations, heating and domestic hot water heating, air-conditioning, ventilation and cooling equipment • gas and gas engineering, systems, installations and equipment and chimney-sweeping • renewable energy sources • ecology and environmental protection
• electrical engineering, lighting • e-mobility • designing, handling, maintenance, research and engineering • control, managing, measuring and computer application • construction and thermal insulation regulations • rules and regulations, standardization, education and professional development, expert meetings and fairs • engineering and business ethics. The magazine is entirely distributed by subscription, mostly throughout Croatia, but also in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia. Magazine readership includes professionals who deal with topics from the mentioned fields in their daily work and these include in the first place experts from the field of power industry, employees of higher-education and scientific institutions and state administration bodies, designers, repairmen, fitters and power, thermal power, process and gas equipment contractors, installations and plants, equipment dealers and others interested in topics for any other reason.
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